Monday 5 December 2011

la ni kena wat report pasai blog..aku n rakan2 seantero(dak2 alpha sem 3 jew kot hehe) telah diperintahkan untuk melakukannya...oho...madam semua tengah dok pulun siapkan keje madam ni......

Friday 2 December 2011

Cat Brain: A Step Toward the Electronic Equivalent

A cat can recognize a face faster and more efficiently than a supercomputer. That's one reason a feline brain is the model for a biologically-inspired computer project involving the University of Michigan.
U-M computer engineer Wei Lu has taken a step toward developing this revolutionary type of machine that could be capable of learning and recognizing, as well as making more complex decisions and performing more tasks simultaneously than conventional computers can.
there are a "memristor," which is a device that replaces a traditional transistor and acts like a biological synapse, remembering past voltages it was subjected to.  this memristor can connect conventional circuits and support a process that is the basis for memory and learning in biological systems.

Today's most sophisticated supercomputer can accomplish certain tasks with the brain functionality of a cat, but it's a massive machine with more than 140,000 central processing units and a dedicated power supply. And it still performs 83 times slower than a cat's brain
In a mammal's brain, neurons are connected to each other by synapses, which act as reconfigurable switches that can form pathways linking thousands of neurons. Most importantly, synapses remember these pathways based on the strength and timing of electrical signals generated by the neurons.
In a conventional computer, logic and memory functions are located at different parts of the circuit and each computing unit is only connected to a handful of neighbors in the circuit. As a result, conventional computers execute code in a linear fashion, line by line. They are excellent at performing relatively simple tasks with limited variables.

So far, there are two electronic circuits with one memristor.  this system is capable of a memory and learning process called "spike timing dependent plasticity." This type of plasticity refers to the ability of connections between neurons to become stronger based on when they are stimulated in relation to each other. Spike timing dependent plasticity is thought to be the basis for memory and learning in mammalian brains.

The next step is to build a larger system.  an electronic analog of a cat brain would be able to think intelligently at the cat level. For example, if the task were to find the shortest route from the front door to the sofa in a house full of furniture, and the computer knows only the shape of the sofa, a conventional machine could accomplish this. But if you moved the sofa, it wouldn't realize the adjustment and find a new path. That's what engineers hope the cat brain computer would be capable of. The project's major funder, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, isn't interested in sofas. But this illustrates the type of learning the machine is being designed for.
The research is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation. The work was performed in the U-M Lurie Nanofabrication Facility.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

aduyaiiii sabo jew la......

heh! apa la ini owang...pagi2 bangun mau mandi skali air xde plak..hampeh2...aduhai...semalam cakap start xde kol 8 seawal 2 pagi da xde ape cer la...sakitnye hati aku!! tapi xpe kot sebab  hari ni aku akan  berjemaah ngan mereka2 yang len p kuliah tanpa jugak tuh.haha..

Sunday 20 November 2011

top Level Domain (TLD)

Psst...psstt..listen2..aku nak share pasal top level domain hari ni..

ok la let's start with intro about TLD..

What is a TLD?
If it is on your schedule to join the global network by creating your own website, then you must be in a search for the right way to name it. Whatever name you choose, it must be in the format of a domain. Finding the best domain for your web presence is not an easy task at all, with millions of domains already registered on the Internet. Luckily, there is a great variety of top-level domain (TLD) options offered online that will facilitate your choice of a suitable web address for your site.

The TLD represents a key element of the domain name and is one of the key factors in boosting the popularity of your website. This is the last part of the domain after the ‘dot’ symbol. Just like the extension of a file, the TLD is representative of the domain’s type and purpose. For instance, if your website serves as an e-shop or a web profile of your company, then your TLD is expected to be .COM or .BIZ. If your e-store is targeted exclusively at the UK market, then you will be better off choosing a .CO.UK top-level domain.

below are the list of TLD..

.aero - air-transport industry
.asia - Asia-Pacific region
.biz - business
.cat - Catalan
.com - commercial
.coop - cooperatives
.edu - educational
.gov - governmental
.info - information
.int - international organizations
.jobs - companies
.mil - US military
.mobi - mobile devices
.museum - museums
.name - individuals, by name
.net - network
.org - organization
.pro - professions
.tel - Internet communication services
.travel - travel and tourism industry related sites
.xxx - adult entertainment

got it guys??ok actually The top-level domain provides the background information. The official list of all top-level domains is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) while a number of Proposed top-level domains are under consideration by ICANN/IANA.

Saturday 19 November 2011

mau share info apa yek hari ni??..ok la saya nak share pasal makanan untuk otak kita,,lagi2 time waktu pagi..moh tengok cane nak bagi tenaga at otak kita ni..

Tenaga untuk otak

E-mel Artikel Cetak Artikel Tanda Artikel Besarkan Saiz Teks Kecilkan Saiz Teks Komen Artikel

KEBANYAKAN ibu bapa mahu anak mereka mendapat yang terbaik dalam hidup, 
terutama perihal pelajaran. Dalam dunia yang semakin menuntut daya saing 
tinggi, ibu bapa akan mengambil langkah utama untuk memastikan anak mereka
 menerima pendidikan terbaik. Sesetengahnya menghantar anak ke sekolah swasta 
atau menggaji pengajar peribadi untuk memberi kelas tambahan di rumah. Namun, 
ramai ibu bapa mungkin terlepas pandang satu cara mudah tetapi berkesan untuk
 merangsang pencapaian anak mereka iaitu melalui pengambilan sarapan pagi.
Gaya hidup yang semakin sibuk menyebabkan ramai mungkin mendapati 
sukar menyediakan sarapan pagi yang sesuai setiap hari.

Sedih tetapi benar, ramai mungkin tidak mengambil sarapan kerana bangun
 lewat atau terlalu letih untuk memasak. Akibatnya, ramai kanak-kanak tidak
 mendapat keperluan zat harian mereka untuk membesar dengan sempurna.
Kebiasaannya kita menikmati makan malam pada jam 7 atau 8 malam iaitu 
sebelum tidur. Bayangkan berapa lama perut kita kosong jika tidak mengambil 
sarapan pagi keesokannya? Selepas semalaman tidak mengambil sebarang
 makanan, kadar gula dalam darah sebenarnya sudah menurun dan rendah.
Kadar gula dalam darah yang rendah akan menimbulkan gejala hipoglikemia
 seperti mengantuk, cepat letih, daya tumpuan dan kerja menurun.

Kajian saintifik menunjukkan, hidangan sarapan boleh memberi kesan dramatik
 kepada kemampuan belajar kanak-kanak. Sarapan menguatkan daya tumpuan, 
masa tindak balas, kebolehan belajar, perasaan dan ingatan, manakala tidak 
makan sarapan mengurangkan semua perkara berkenaan mengakibatkan jatuhnya 
prestasi kanak-kanak di sekolah.

Pakar nutrisi Hospital Pantai Ampang, Nor Lizawati Che Lah berkata, ibu bapa memainkan
 peranan penting membantu kanak-kanak memenuhi keperluan zat harian dan pilihan
 makanan harian seboleh-bolehnya mengikut rangka piramid makanan demi 
memastikan mereka mendapat gizi seimbang setiap hari. Satu kajian di 
Universiti Cardiff, Wales baru-baru ini menunjukkan, mereka yang makan sarapan
 berserat tinggi kurang mengalami keletihan sebanyak 10 peratus, kebarangkalian
 kemurungan lebih rendah dan menunjukkan kemahiran kognitif lebih baik.
Serat membantu memperlahankan penyerapan makanan dalam perut, menyebabkan 
kita mempunyai lebih banyak tenaga untuk jangka masa lebih lama.
Pengurus Produk Horlicks, Junie H’ng berkata, hidangan untuk sarapan sebaik-baiknya
 mudah tetapi mempunyai nilai khasiat tinggi.

Katanya, ini penting, terutama pada waktu pagi, kerana pada masa itu kanak-kanak mungkin
 tiada selera untuk makan. “Bangkitkan selera mereka dengan memberi minuman suam atau
 panas. Antara cara terbaik untuk memulakan hari anda ialah dengan segelas minuman malta panas.
Minuman malta segera ini diperkuatkan dengan serat dan khasiat yang diperlukan untuk kesihatan
 badan,” katanya. Minuman malta mempunyai pelbagai khasiat seperti kalsium, vitamin A, B1, 
B2, C, D, asid folik, zat besi dan serat. Ini memastikan minuman malta menjadi pilihan baik
 untuk kanak-kanak serta keluarga mereka untuk sarapan mahupun minum petang.
Minuman malta biasanya mengandungi gula semula jadi yang cepat memberi tenaga 
kepada badan. Malah, ia memberikan dua kali ganda kalsium berbanding susu biasa.
“Selain enak dan penuh dengan khasiat, minuman malta senang didapati di mana-mana. 
Ini secara tidak langsung menggalakkan ibu mempelbagaikan penyediaan minuman malta 
bergantung kepada kreativiti sendiri. “Sebagai contoh, ibu boleh menambah minuman malta
 dengan bijirin sarapan kegemaran anak atau sebagai bahan dalam roti untuk menambah 
rasa. Minuman malta juga sesuai ditambah kepada oat, coklat, madu dan untuk pencuci mulut.
“Lebih penting, mereka yang ada keperluan pemakanan istimewa seperti yang mengambil 
gizi cecair atau apa saja pemakanan untuk penghidap gastrik boleh menikmati minuman 
malta yang mudah tetapi berkhasiat,” katanya.

Kebaikan makan sarapan sihat:

  • Perhatian, tumpuan dan produktiviti lebih baik di tempat kerja, sekolah atau rumah 
  • Mengekalkan berat badan yang sihat 
  • Membangunkan satu tabiat pemakanan sihat sejak kecil 
  • Mempunyai nutrien yang penting 
  • Membalikkan kesan berpuasa semalaman: cepat marah dan keletihan 
  • Menurunkan kolesterol 
  • Meningkatkan kadar metabolisme 
  • Meningkatkan daya ingatan dan keupayaan belajar

Friday 18 November 2011

the chronology of windows..

Microsoft first began development of the Interface Manager (subsequently renamed Microsoft Windows) in September 1981. 
Although the first prototypes used Multiplan and Word-like menus at the bottom of the screen, the interface was changed in 1982 to use pull-down menus and dialogs, as used on the Xerox Star
Microsoft finally announced Windows in November 1983, with pressure from just-released VisiOn and impending TopView
This was after the release of the Apple Lisa, and before Digital Research announced GEM, and DESQ from Quarterdeck and the Amiga Workbench , or GEOS/GeoWorks EnsembleIBM OS/2,NeXTstep or even DeskMate from Tandy. 

Windows promised an easy-to-use graphical interface, device-independent graphics and multitasking support. 

1975–1981: Microsoft boots up
It’s the 1970s. At work, we rely on typewriters. If we need to copy a document, we likely use a mimeograph or carbon paper. Few have heard of microcomputers, but two young computer enthusiasts, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, see that personal computing is a path to the future.

In 1975, Gates and Allen form a partnership called Microsoft. Like most start-ups, Microsoft begins small, but has a huge vision—a computer on every desktop and in every home. During the next years, Microsoft begins to change the ways we work.

The dawn of MS‑DOS
In June 1980, Gates and Allen hire Gates’ former Harvard classmate Steve Ballmer to help run the company. The next month, IBM approaches Microsoft about a project code-named "Chess." In response, Microsoft focuses on a new operating system—the software that manages, or runs, the computer hardware and also serves to bridge the gap between the computer hardware and programs, such as a word processor. It’s the foundation on which computer programs can run. They name their new operating system "MS‑DOS."

When the IBM PC running MS‑DOS ships in 1981, it introduces a whole new language to the general public. Typing “C:” and various cryptic commands gradually becomes part of daily work. People discover the backslash (\) key.

MS‑DOS is effective, but also proves difficult to understand for many people. There has to be a better way to build an operating system.
Geek trivia: MS‑DOS stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System.

1982–1985: Introducing Windows 1.0
Click me for a larger image.
Microsoft works on the first version of a new operating system. Interface Manager is the code name and is considered as the final name, but Windows prevails because it best describes the boxes or computing “windows” that are fundamental to the new system. Windows is announced in 1983, but it takes a while to develop. Skeptics call it “vaporware.”

The fully-packaged Windows 1.0
On November 20, 1985, two years after the initial announcement, Microsoft ships Windows 1.0. Now, rather than typing MS‑DOS commands, you just move a mouse to point and click your way through screens, or “windows.” Bill Gates says, “It is unique software designed for the serious PC user…”
There are drop-down menus, scroll bars, icons, and dialog boxes that make programs easier to learn and use. You're able to switch among several programs without having to quit and restart each one. Windows 1.0 ships with several programs, including MS‑DOS file management, Paint, Windows Writer, Notepad, Calculator, and a calendar, card file, and clock to help you manage day-to-day activities. There’s even a game—Reversi.
Geek trivia: Remember floppy disks and kilobytes? Windows 1.0 requires a minimum of 256 kilobytes (KB), two double-sided floppy disk drives, and a graphics adapter card. A hard disk and 512 KB memory is recommended for running multiple programs or when using DOS 3.0 or higher.

1987–1992: Windows 2.0–2.11—More windows, more speed
On December 9, 1987 Microsoft releases Windows 2.0 with desktop icons and expanded memory. With improved graphics support, you can now overlap windows, control the screen layout, and use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work. Some software developers write their first Windows–based programs for this release.

Windows 2.0
Windows 2.0 is designed for the Intel 286 processor. When the Intel 386 processor is released, Windows/386 soon follows to take advantage of its extended memory capabilities. Subsequent Windows releases continue to improve the speed, reliability, and usability of the PC.

In 1988, Microsoft becomes the world’s largest PC software company based on sales. Computers are starting to become a part of daily life for some office workers.
Geek trivia: Control Panel makes its first appearance in Windows 2.0.

1990–1994: Windows 3.0–Windows NT—Getting the graphics
On May 22, 1990, Microsoft announces Windows 3.0, followed shortly by Windows 3.1 in 1992. Taken together, they sell 10 million copies in their first 2 years, making this the most widely used Windows operating system yet. The scale of this success causes Microsoft to revise earlier plans. Virtual Memory improves visual graphics. In 1990 Windows starts to look like the versions to come.
Windows now has significantly better performance, advanced graphics with 16 colors, and improved icons. A new wave of 386 PCs helps drive the popularity of Windows 3.0. With full support for the Intel 386 processor, programs run noticeably faster. Program Manager, File Manager, and Print Manager arrive in Windows 3.0.

Bill Gates shows the newly-released Windows 3.0
Windows software is installed with floppy discs bought in large boxes with heavy instruction manuals.
The popularity of Windows 3.0 grows with the release of a new Windows software development kit (SDK), which helps software developers focus more on writing programs and less on writing device drivers.

Windows is increasingly used at work and home and now includes games like Solitaire, Hearts, and Minesweeper. An advertisement: “Now you can use the incredible power of Windows 3.0 to goof off.”

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 adds peer-to-peer workgroup and domain networking support and, for the first time, PCs become an integral part of the emerging client/server computing evolution.

Windows NT
When Windows NT releases on July 27, 1993, Microsoft meets an important milestone: the completion of a project begun in the late 1980s to build an advanced new operating system from scratch. "Windows NT represents nothing less than a fundamental change in the way that companies can address their business computing requirements," Bill Gates says at its release.

Unlike Windows 3.1, however, Windows NT 3.1 is a 32-bit operating system, which makes it a strategic business platform that supports high-end engineering and scientific programs.
Geek trivia: The group that develops Windows NT was originally called the "Portable Systems" team.

1995–2001: Windows 95—the PC comes of age (and don't forget the Internet)
On August 24, 1995, Microsoft releases Windows 95, selling a record-setting 7 million copies in the first five weeks. It’s the most publicized launch Microsoft has ever taken on. Television commercials feature the Rolling Stones singing "Start Me Up" over images of the new Start button. The press release simply begins: “It’s here.”

Launch day: Bill Gates introduces Windows 95
This is the era of fax/modems, e‑mail, the new online world, and dazzling multimedia games and educational software. Windows 95 has built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that make it easy to install hardware and software. The 32-bit operating system also offers enhanced multimedia capabilities, more powerful features for mobile computing, and integrated networking.

At the time of the Windows 95 release, the previous Windows and MS‑DOS operating systems are running on about 80 percent of the world’s PCs. Windows 95 is the upgrade to these operating systems. To run Windows 95, you need a PC with a 386DX or higher processor (486 recommended) and at least 4 MB of RAM (8 MB of RAM recommended). Upgrade versions are available for both floppy disk and CD-ROM formats. It’s available in 12 languages.

Windows 95 features the first appearance of the Start menu, taskbar, and minimize, maximize, and close buttons on each window.

Windows 95
Catching the Internet wave
In the early 1990s, tech insiders are talking about the Internet—a network of networks that has the power to connect computers all over the world. In 1995, Bill Gates delivers a memo titled “The Internet Tidal Wave,” and declares the Internet as “the most important development since the advent of the PC.”

In the summer of 1995, the first version of Internet Explorer is released. The browser joins those already vying for space on the World Wide Web.
Geek trivia: In 1996, Microsoft releases Flight Simulator for Windows 95—the first time in its 14-year history that it’s available for Windows.

1998–2000: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me

Windows 98
Released on June 25, 1998, Windows 98 is the first version of Windows designed specifically for consumers. PCs are common at work and home, and Internet cafes where you can get online are popping up. Windows 98 is described as an operating system that “Works Better, Plays Better.”

With Windows 98, you can find information more easily on your PC as well as the Internet. Other improvements include the ability to open and close programs more quickly, and support for reading DVD discs and universal serial bus (USB) devices. Another first appearance is the Quick Launch bar, which lets you run programs without having to browse the Start menu or look for them on the desktop.
Geek trivia: Windows 98 is the last version based on MS‑DOS.

Windows 98
Windows Me
Designed for home computer use, Windows Me offers numerous music, video, and home networking enhancements and reliability improvements compared to previous versions.

First appearances: System Restore, a feature that can roll back your PC software configuration to a date or time before a problem occurred. Windows Movie Maker provides users with the tools to digitally edit, save, and share home videos. And with Microsoft Windows Media Player 7 technologies, you can find, organize, and play digital media.
Geek trivia: Technically speaking, Windows Me was the last Microsoft operating system to be based on the Windows 95 code base. Microsoft announced that all future operating system products would be based on the Windows NT and Windows 2000 kernel.

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows 2000 Professional
More than just the upgrade to Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional is designed to replace Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 on all business desktops and laptops. Built on top of the proven Windows NT Workstation 4.0 code base, Windows 2000 adds major improvements in reliability, ease of use, Internet compatibility, and support for mobile computing.
Among other improvements, Windows 2000 Professional simplifies hardware installation by adding support for a wide variety of new Plug and Play hardware, including advanced networking and wireless products, USB devices, IEEE 1394 devices, and infrared devices.
Geek trivia: The nightly stress test performed on Windows 2000 during development is the equivalent of three months of run time on up to 1,500 computers.

2001–2005: Windows XP—Stable, usable, and fast
On October 25, 2001, Windows XP is released with a redesigned look and feel that's centered on usability and a unified Help and Support services center. It’s available in 25 languages. From the mid-1970s until the release of Windows XP, about 1 billion PCs have been shipped worldwide.
For Microsoft, Windows XP will become one of its best-selling products in the coming years. It’s both fast and stable. Navigating the Start menu, taskbar, and Control Panel are more intuitive. Awareness of computer viruses and hackers increases, but fears are to a certain extent calmed by the online delivery of security updates. Consumers begin to understand warnings about suspicious attachments and viruses. There’s more emphasis on Help and Support.

Ship it: Windows XP Professional rolls to retail stores
Windows XP Home Edition offers a clean, simplified visual design that makes frequently used features more accessible. Designed for home use, Windows XP offers such enhancements as the Network Setup Wizard, Windows Media Player, Windows Movie Maker, and enhanced digital photo capabilities.

Windows XP Professional brings the solid foundation of Windows 2000 to the PC desktop, enhancing reliability, security, and performance. With a fresh visual design, Windows XP Professional includes features for business and advanced home computing, including remote desktop support, an encrypting file system, and system restore and advanced networking features. Key enhancements for mobile users include wireless 802.1x networking support, Windows Messenger, and Remote Assistance.

Windows XP has several editions during these years:
Windows XP 64-bit Edition (2001) is the first Microsoft operating system for 64-bit processors designed for working with large amounts of memory and projects such as movie special effects, 3D animations, engineering, and scientific programs.

Windows XP Media Center Edition (2002) is made for home computing and entertainment. You can browse the Internet, watch live television, enjoy digital music and video collections, and watch DVDs.

Windows XP Tablet PC Edition (2002) realizes the vision of pen-based computing. Tablet PCs include a digital pen for handwriting recognition and you can use the mouse or keyboard, too.
Geek trivia: Windows XP is compiled from 45 million lines of code.

2006–2008: Windows Vista—Smart on security
Windows Vista is released in 2006 with the strongest security system yet. User Account Control helps prevent potentially harmful software from making changes to your computer. In Windows Vista Ultimate, BitLocker Drive Encryption provides better data protection for your computer, as laptop sales and security needs increase. Windows Vista also features enhancements to Windows Media Player as more and more people come to see their PCs as central locations for digital media. Here you can watch television, view and send photographs, and edit videos.

Windows Vista Ultimate
Design plays a big role in Windows Vista, and features such as the taskbar and the borders around windows get a brand new look. Search gets new emphasis and helps people find files on their PCs faster. Windows Vista introduces new editions that each have a different mix of features. It's available in 35 languages. The redesigned Start button makes its first appearance in Windows Vista.
Geek trivia: More than 1.5 million devices are compatible with Windows Vista at launch.

2009–Today: Windows 7 and counting...
By the late 2000s, the wireless world has arrived. When Windows 7 is released in October 2009, laptops are outselling desktop PCs and it’s common to get online at public wireless hotspots like coffee shops. Wireless networks can be created at the office or at home.

Windows 7 includes many features, such as new ways to work with windows—Snap, Peek, and Shake. Windows Touch makes its debut, enabling you to use your fingers to browse the web, flip through photos, and open files and folders. You can stream music, videos, and photos from your PC to a stereo or TV.
By the fall of 2010, Windows 7 is selling seven copies a second—the fastest-selling operating system in history.
Improvements to the Windows 7 taskbar include live thumbnail previews
Geek trivia: Windows 7 is evaluated by 8 million beta testers worldwide before it's released.

What's next?
Many laptops no longer have a slot for DVDs and some have solid state drives rather than conventional hard disks. Most everything is streamed, saved on flash drives, or saved in the "Cloud"—an online space for sharing files and storage. Windows Live—free programs and services for photos, movies, instant messaging, e‑mail, and social networking—is seamlessly integrated with Windows so that you can keep in touch from your PC, phone, or the web, extending Windows to the Cloud.

Meanwhile, work is underway for the next version of Windows.

ahhhh.....aku da ter'stick' ngan lagu ni.....hoho..

big bang-tell me good bye..(^_^)

[G-Dragon] Letting you go... (can somebody...)
Letting you go... (please somebody...)
No I got this, yeah

Steady thinkin' 'bout this thing called love
It got me shaken up
([Seungri] Please tell me there's a way)
And it got my head just spinnin' round round round round
([Seungri] Please tell me there's a way)
Don't wanna take a fall
It's best that I break it all
It's gonna be better for you to move on
([Seungri] Please tell me there's a way)
And my heart be breakin' breakin'
All apart remakin' makin'
How can I recover it all

[Taeyang] Girl I swear kimi no koto wo ichibyou demo
Kanashimasenai yakusoku
Mamoru tame ni wa mo moukoreshika
Erabu michi wa nai kara

[Daesung] Baby aishiteru dake kizutsuketeshimau
And I've got nothing, nothing to say

[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Seungri] Dakishimeta te wo
[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Daesung] Hanasou
Boku wo wasureru koto ni jiyuu ni naru nara Baby
[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye

[Seungri] Girl you know kimi ga egao naku shiteku hodo
Boku wa jibun mo semeru yo
Nego semeru kotoba mo hikari sae mo
Nanimokamo miushinau

[Taeyang] Baby kono kuchibiru ga hanareta shunkanni
I'll never find better, better than you

[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Seungri] Dakishimeta te wo
[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Daesung] Hanasou
Soba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to Baby
[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye

[T.O.P] And it's so, so
Sad it just ain't happenin'
Wish it could be better
Sorry to be scrappin'
But I just can't let ya
Be less than happy
How sad would that be
I couldn't live with myself seein' you lackin'
The things you deserve
Baby you be superb
Must believe that it hurts
That lead this word
I feel the achin' through my body
It just takes a big ol' part of me
To be lettin' you go
I wish it weren't so...

[Daesung] Kimi no koe setsunaku fade away... away-ay-ay-ay
[Seungri] Kaze ni kakikesareteyuku stay... stay-ay-ay-ay

[Taeyang] Kore ijou wa I can't ([G-Dragon] take it), sono namida don't cry ([G-Dragon] for me)
[Daesung] Kimi no tame never look back again-a-a-a-ain... Ohh

[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Seungri] Dakishimeta te wo ([Daesung] Ohh)
[All] Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye
[Daesung] Hanasou
Soba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to Baby
[All] Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[Daesung] Tell me goodbye

ahhh touchingnyer saye,,,,,,,,

Thursday 17 November 2011

back to the basic of IT..

Let’s talk about various networks that we used to connect the internet..alright, I know all of you are not interested reading so much right ok we juz straight forward with the points yea…(^_^)

Actually there are about eight types of network which are used world wide these days, both in houses and commercially. These networks are used on the bases of their scale and scope, historical reasons, preferences for networking industries, and their design and implementation issues. LAN and WAN are mostly known and used widely. LAN, local area network was first invented for communication between two computers. Let’s go through of these..

1) Types of communication networks:

  •  LAN - Local Area Network
  •  WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
  • WAN - Wide Area Network
  • MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
  • SAN - Storage Area Network, It can also refer with names like System Area Network, Server Area Network, or sometimes Small Area Network
  • CAN - Campus Area Network, Controller Area Network, and often Cluster Area Network
  • PAN - Personal Area Network
  • DAN - Desk Area Network
1. Wide Area Network (WAN)
A WAN spans a large geographic area, such as a state, province or country. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks (LANs) or metro area networks (MANs). The world's most popular WAN is the Internet. Some segments of the Internet, like VPN-based extranets, are also WANs in themselves. Finally, many WANs are corporate or research networks that utilize leased lines.

2. Local Area Network(LAN)?
A computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings. However, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves. A system of LANs connected in this way is called a wide-area network (WAN).

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)?
Short for Metropolitan Area Network, a data network designed for a town or city. In terms of geographic breadth, MANs are larger than local-area networks (LANs), but smaller than wide-area networks (WANs). MANs are usually characterized by very high-speed connections using fiber optical cable or other digital media.

4. Wireless - Local Area Network (WLAN)
A LAN, local area network based on wireless network technology mostly referred as Wi-Fi. Unlike LAN, in WLAN no wires are used, but radio signals are the medium for communication. Wireless network cards are required to be installed in the systems for accessing any wireless network around. Mostly wireless cards connect to wireless routers for communication among computers or accessing WAN, internet.

5. CAN - Campus Area Network
Networking spanning with multiple LANs but smaller than a Metropolitan area network, MAN. This kind of network mostly used in relatively large universities or local business offices and buildings.

6. SAN - Storage Area Network 
SAM technology is used for data storage and it has no use for most of the organization but data oriented organizations. Storage area network connects servers to data storage devices by using Fiber channel technology.

7. SAN - System Area Network SAN, 
system area networks are also known as cluster area network and it connects high performance computers with high speed connections in cluster configuration.

8. The Desk Area Network (DAN)
 is a multimedia workstation based around an ATM interconnect (as shown in the above diagram). All communication between peripherals and even between the CPU and its main memory is achieved by sending ATM cells through a switch fabric. A prototype implementation based on the Fairisle switch fabric has been built and is being used to investigate the architecture. Below is the diagram of DAN.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

ika tako virus-be careful!

It’s one thing to get a virus like Trojan or a worm and lose all your files, but its another to get a virus that replaces all your files with anime sea creatures. I guess the hacker thought it would be funny. For those that don’t know, Ika-tako is Japanese for squid-octopus. Since May, it has infected anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000 computers, according to The virus is usually disguised as music files, which many people download. When the file is played, the malware then spreads through the entire hard drive infecting all files. The infected files are then switched out with the sea creature pictures and sent to the hacker’s server. 
The virus disguises itself in music files, which users then download. Once the file is played, the malware runs through the computer’s hard drive, infecting anything from family photos to important OS files. The infected files are swapped with the squid, octopus or sea urchin pictures and removed, then supposedly sent to the hacker's  server.

The good news is that the hacker, Masato Nakatsuji, was found and arrested. It’s not the first time this guy has been arrested for malware creation either--he was convicted for crafting a similar virus back in 2008, but had used images from the copyrighted anime cartoon Clannad. He reportedly told police this time that he wanted to see “how much my computer programming skills had improved since the last time I was arrested.”

This time, he was arrested on the grounds of property destruction, a first for police in Tokyo. At least he handmade the images himself this time I guess.

Unfortunately there is no known fix for the virus just yet, so bad news for those already infected, unless police can get into the server he set up. However, considering he had thousands of people’s information stored on the server, it shouts to me that there was a bigger motive behind this virus that just practicing his computer skills.

Sunday 13 November 2011

hye2 sume....ermmm hari ni aku nak bercerita pasal kereta idaman aku...AUDI A4..hoho ske gler aku ngan kete ni..mula2 aku x kenal ngan kete ni.memang aku x penah dengo pn namenye tapi sejak2 member aku story mory pasal audi ni aku pun da mula jatuh cinta ah..haha..jom tengok ape yang best sangat kat audi ni..

ok first jom tengok  ckt rupa bentuk audi a4..

Audi A4 - Full Rear View Exterior Photo

ahhh teruja nya aku tengok...(^_^)..
kereta brand audi da di produce since 1994 lagi by German car manufacturer Audi. dulu syarikat Audi ni pernah la mengalami kemerosotan ermm mase kira2 2 dekad yang lalu..tapi dengan terhasilnya Audi A4 ni so so jenama Audi ni hidup balik jugak ciri2 yang ada pada Audi ni antaranya dari segi pengendalian dye yang tajam, penghasilan kete ni menggunakan bahan2 yang berkualiti tinggi, tempat duduk dye selesa menjadikan perjalanan yang ok n best..

yang aku suka kat Audi ni sbb dye smart der..hehe..let's see..

Friday 11 November 2011

about steve jobs..

Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24 1955. His biological parents, unwed college graduates Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali, had him adopted by a lower-middle-class couple from south of the Bay Area, Paul and Clara Jobs.

Young Steve grew up in a valley of apricot orchards that was already turning into the world center of computer technology: Silicon Valley. It was not uncommon to see engineers fill their garages with all kind of electronic devices in that part of California. Steve Jobs was fascinated by these, and that’s why, in 1969, he met with a computer whiz kid who shared his interests in electronics: Stephen Wozniak — commonly known as Woz. Steve and Woz quickly became friends even though Woz was five years older.

When Steve Jobs reached college age, he decided he would go to Reed College in Oregon. It was an expensive liberal arts college, way too pricey for his modest parents; but they had to keep their
promise to Steve’s biological mother, and therefore paid for the tuition. Steve only stayed at Reed for one semester though, after which he dropped out. He then spent a lot of time learning about Eastern mysticism and adopted strange diets, fasting or eating only fruits: it was his hippie period. He even traveled to India with a friend to seek enlightenment at age 19.
After Steve came back to the Valley, he focused on Woz’s work on a computer board. Woz was attending a group of early personal computer hobbyists called the Homebrew Computer Club, 

where he got the idea of designing his own computer (which consisted only of a circuit board at the time). Steve Jobs saw that many people were interested in his friend’s brilliant work: he suggested they sell the board to them. Apple Computer was born.

Apple’s first year in business consisted of assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and driving to local computer stores to try and sell them. Meanwhile, Woz worked on a new, much improved computer, the Apple II, which he basically finished in 1977. Both Woz and Steve knew the Apple II was a breakthrough computer, much more advanced than anything the market had ever seen. That’s why Steve set out to find venture capitalists to fund Apple’s expansion. After a while, he made a deal with Mike Markkula, an enthusiastic former Intel executive who invested $250,000 in their business and assured them their company would enter the Fortune 500 list in less than two years.

Mike was right. The Apple II soon b
ecame the symbol of the personal computing revolution worldwide. It crushed all competition both because of its breakthrough hardware features (including its color graphics) and its very large supply of compatible software. 

The key to Apple II’s success was actually VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program ever brought to market. Thousands of people bought Apple IIs just to use it. As a result, the company grew at a very fast rate, and went public after just four years of existence, in December 1980. Steve Jobs’ net worth passed the $200 million mark on that day — he was only 25.
But Apple’s success was threatened, as industry giant IBM was planning to enter the personal computer market in 1981. Apple had to fight back or they would go out of business in a couple of years’ time. Their Apple III computer had already bombed on the marketplace. They focused all their energy on a project headed by Steve Jobs: Lisa. He had named it after his ex-girlfriend’s daughter, although he denied all paternity (that difficult situation actually caused him to miss Time Magazine’s Man of the Year 1982). The Lisa computer was a breakthrough because it used a graphical user interface instead of a command-line interface. This technology, like many others that would revolutionize computing, was invented at Xerox PARC — but Apple was the first company to bring it to market.

apple II 

Yet Steve Jobs was soon thrown out of the Lisa project because he was considered too temperamental a manager. Deeply angry, he took revenge by taking over a small project called Macintosh, determined to make it a cheaper GUI computer that would cannibalize sales of Lisa. Macintosh was in development since 1979 and its concept was “a computer as easy to use as a toaster.” Steve Jobs recruited brilliant young engineers in his Mac team and invigorated them by insufflating a spirit of entrepreneurship and rebellion, calling them “pirates”, unlike the rest of the company, “the Navy.”

Even though the Mac project was controversial as it threatened both Apple II and Lisa, and because Steve Jobs antagonized it against the rest of the company, it soon became crucial to Apple’s future because Lisa proved yet another market failure. Steve was supported in his mission by John Sculley, Apple’s CEO, whom he hired in 1983 to help him run the company and groom him into a top executive. In January 1984, he introduced Macintosh in great fanfare.

Although Mac’s first months were encouraging, sales soon started to plummet. There was growing fear in the company that this third flop in a row would put Apple out of business. Besides, Steve Jobs’ continued arrogance drove everyone nuts, starting with CEO John Sculley. After a failed 
board coup initiated by Jobs in mid-1985, Sculley announced he and the directors had agreed on a new org chart for Apple, in which Steve had no managerial duties whatsoever. He was only to remain chairman of the board.
Apple founder Steve Jobs introduces the Apple II in 1977, the first computer with a keyboard and color screen.

Steve was stunned. Apple was his life, and he was kicked out of it. He started traveling around looking for new ways to spend his energy. It was actually in that second half of 1985 that he was introduced to a small team of brilliant computer graphics experts that George Lucas was trying to sell. They all shared a common dream of making animated movies with computers. Steve was interested and he eventually bought the company for $10 million in 1986, incorporating it as Pixar.

Yet his main passion was still to make great computers. In September 1985, he announced to the Apple board that he was going to found a new company, called NeXT, to build an advanced computer for higher education and scientific research. He was going to take with him some of the best engineers and salesmen from the Mac team. Apple disapproved and threatened to sue him. It was at that point that Steve left his company for good and sold almost all of his stock in disgust.

NeXT started work on its computer in early 1986, after Apple dropped its lawsuit. Steve aimed at the highest possible standards for his new machine: he wanted the best hardware, built in the world’s most automated factory, and running the most advanced software possible. He decided the computer’s operating system, NeXTSTEP, would be based on UNIX, the most robust and most complex system in the world — but that it would also be as easy to use as a Macintosh, thanks to its own graphical user interface. In addition, it would make software development real easy with its object-oriented programming technology. These ambitious plans put off the release date of the computer — called the NeXT Cube — to October 1988.

However great it was, the NeXT Cube didn’t sell. It was overpriced and missing useful software. NeXT struggled for years to sell it, expanding its target from just education to businesses, and introducing a cheaper box, the NeXT Station. Yet the number of computers they sold each month remained in the hundreds. The company was bleeding money and all its co-founders left one after the other, as well as its first outside investor, Texan billionaire Ross Perot. By 1993, NeXT had to give up its hardware business and focus only on promoting its advanced software technology. NeXT Software, far from beating Apple, had turned into a niche software development business. Steve was devastated.

In addition, his investment in Pixar also seemed to lead nowhere. The small company had tried to sell advanced graphic workstations to specialized markets since it had been founded, without success. Jobs shut down Pixar’s hardware operations in 1990, decided to focus on developing an advanced 3D language called RenderMan. He kept the animation division, headed by John Lasseter, only because its work on TV commercials were one of the company’s only source of revenues. Hope was brought by a contract with Disney to make a full feature film with computers in 1991. But by the end of 1993, the contract was canceled by Burbank. With both his ventures failing, Steve had reached the nadir of his career. He spent most of his days at home with his young son Reed and his wife Laurene, whom he had married in 1991.

The iPod revolution (2001-2006)
the greatest momentum for Apple came from an unexpected source: the iPod. iPod was an integral part of the digital hub strategy. It was started in early 2001, when Steve Jobs realized that he had misplaced his enthusiasm for “desktop video”, i.e. the ability to edit movies on the computer — which was still far from mainstream. What was really hot at the turn of the century was not movies but digital music, as exemplified by the success of Napster. He focused on catching up and bought an outside hardware developer to work on Apple’s own MP3 player, which was brought to market in record time, just in time for 2001’s holiday season.

iPod’s breakthrough features — its beautiful design, its brilliant user interface and click wheel, its fast FireWire connectivity and its ability to sync with iTunes seamlessly — made it a hot seller from the start. For the first time, people were buying Macs just so they could use this little music player the size of a cigarette box. Apple cashed in on that success and went further in the following years, first by making iPod Windows-compatible in 2002, then by opening the iTunes Music Store and developing a Windows version of iTunes in 2003.

As of 2006, after Apple had continually pushed innovation in its music business by introducing iPod mini in 2004, iPod shuffle then iPod nano in 2005, and expanded its Music Store internationally, it had become the undisputed leader of the new digital music era. A significant landmark was passed in 2006 when Apple’s revenues from iPod equaled those made on computers. For the first time in its history, the firm from Cupertino had left its niche markets to become as influential a player in consumer electronics as Microsoft was in the PC space. iPod’s market share was close to 75%!

Apple Inc. (2006-today)
The second crucial development from 2006 was the full acceptance by Apple of its new status of consumer electronics powerhouse, the success of iPod, the walkman of the digital age became obvious in February 2006, when the company released iPod hi-fi, a boom-box designed to work only with iPod (which was discontinued the following year), and Apple TV less than a year later. But the biggest move of course came in January 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced iPhone at Macworld. iPhone was arguably the ultimate Apple product. Its beautiful hardware ran no less than Apple’s full operating system, OS X. Its multi-touch technology, Web surfing and iPod capabilities, easy-to-use interface, and more, made it a smartphone “light-years ahead of its competition”, as Steve Jobs said. It shook the phone industry to its core, down to the exclusive deal that Apple cut with AT&T for subscription plans. Three years after it was introduced, it is already fair to say that iPhone will go down in history as the first digital convergence device, equivalent to putting a computer, an iPod and a phone in your pocket. It was such an obvious part of Apple’s move outside the PC business that Steve announced at the end of Macworld 2007 that the company’s name would be changed from Apple Computer Inc. to Apple Inc.

Finally, the third major event of 2006 for Steve was the so-called backdating scandal. Backdating consists of picking a date in the past, when a stock's value is lower, to assign the exercise price of options. It is an illegal practice that was commonplace in Silicon Valley until it was exposed by a Wall Street Journal article in 2006. Apple swiftly hired lawyers to lead an internal investigation of its own records. They did find irregularities, which were confirmed by the SEC in mid-2007. Two big frauds were unveiled that took place in 2000 and 2001, under Steve Jobs’ leadership. However he was cleared the following year as the SEC found out he had no idea of the legal or accounting implications of the matter. The SEC only charged Apple’s former CFO and legal counsel with fraud. The scandal was significant in the sense that it raised the issue of Apple’s future without Steve Jobs... But the main occasion this issue was raised was not the SEC investigation, it was unfortunately after Steve’s health problems.

In late 2003, Steve was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Fortunately, his tumor was not of the deadly type: Steve would be saved if he agreed to have surgery. But he didn’t, and for nine long months, followed a special type of diet that he thought would cure him from the disease. It was only in August 2004 that he agreed to have the surgery. Everybody thought the troubles were over, as he claimed he was “cured”. Of course there is no such thing as being cured from cancer, and in 2008, people started commenting heavily on Steve’s being increasingly thinner. Although he and Apple kept on denying any serious problem, in December 2008, they announced to everyone’s surprise that the CEO would not go on stage for the last Macworld keynote in history in January 2009. Steve Jobs took six months off (the first half of 2009), as he was awaiting a liver transplant — which he got in April 2009. The whole story of Steve’s cancer raised many a discussion about a public company’s necessary transparency regarding its CEO’s health, especially when that CEO is as essential to its market value as Steve Jobs is to Apple’s.

2010 has seen the incredible rebirth of Steve Jobs as a very active CEO. In sharp contrast with 2009, he came back on stage for many Apple events that year, and surprised the world many times over with insanely great new Apple products. The biggest announcement of all was undeniably iPad, Apple’s iOS-based tablet, which Steve unveiled on January 27, 2010. At the industry conference D8 in June 2010, Steve Jobs clearly stated that in his opinion, iPad had started the post-PC era, and that PCs would eventually become “like trucks”, a marginal part of a market dominated by portable tablets... If this comes true, this one man Steve Jobs will have played a crucial part in both giving birth and putting an end to the personal computer industry.

Thursday 10 November 2011

iPhone 4 glass strength

teknologi masa kini yang semakin berkembang maju..pelbagai jenis handphone dicipta..dan masing2 mempunyai ciri2 nya yang tersendiri...bagi iphone 4 ciri kekuatannya memang terbukti..let's see this...

                                    I would trade all of my technology
                                      for an afternoon with Socrates.
                                                                   – Steve Jobs

how does technology impact the world

   time passes quickly. the information technology 100 years old and it seems incredible that, before his foray into the lives of human beings could manage without them.

it is very interesting to discover how the top executives of companies such as IBM suggests  that the challenges posed to humanity to address the impact of technology today, have nothing to do with microprocessors, or with services in the cloud or with mobile applications.

are aimed, instead, to issues more related to people: to facilitate the connection of the subsystems that exist in the world and maintain social stability and economic development, ensure security and data privacy personal and transform the leadership to make it an exercise in creativity, listening, collaboration and influence. will technologist become more sensitive? or maybe the machines increasingly resemble people?

Wednesday 9 November 2011

andai itu takdirnya...

     tu tajuk novel sebenarnya...mase study week sem lepas aku baca novel ni..ingat nak baca sikit je..sekali da baca hah! terus x ley lepas da.hehe..nak kata aku ni pencinta novel x la jugak..tapi ntah kenapa masa tu hati ni teringin plak nak baca...korang2 kalau ada kelapangan ce la baca novel ni..memang menyayat hati..dalam banyak2 novel yang aku baca b4 ni, novel ni la yang betul da berjaya wat aku nangis x benti2..klako pulak bila ingat2 bawah ni cover page dye...


Jom baca sinopsis novel ni..(^_^)

perkahwinan yang tidak terduga antara Aleya dan Syed Aizril membuatkan Aleya hidup terseksa. Dia dibuang keluarga..pasrahkah dia?

Aleya, seorang gadis yang cantik dan berlatarbelakangkan keluarga sederhana, dalam diam menyimpan perasaan pada seorang anak tokoh korporat yang ternama yang juga merupakan rakan sekuliahnya di Universiti di United Kingdom, Syed Adam Aizril. Syed Adam Aizril, wajahnya yang tampan menjadikan dia kegilaan ramai gadis. limpahan  kemewahan meletakkan ego dan kesombongan di singgahsana yang paling tinggi. Mentalitinya yang mementingkan darjat dan kedudukan telah menutup pintu hatinya untuk mendengar bicara hatinya sendiri yang pada ketika telah mula ada getaran Aleya.
"salahkah Leya mencari sedikit bahagia? mengapa Leya tak pernah dapat merasainya? hina sangatkah Leya sebab beribu dan berbapakan orang miskin? memang Leya miskin tapi Leya jugak ada maruah diri."
terjadinya suatu perkara yang menyatukan mereka. Tapi kerana terlalu ego, sombong dan mementingkan darjat, Aleya dilayan hina oleh Syed Aizril.

Untuk taw lagi isi2 dalam novel ni, korang beli la..baca berulang kali pun tetap best..tetap nak nangis jugak..huhu...novel ni memang tak boring. kalau ada 10 bintang, 10 jugak la yang aku bagi..harga dye ok je..RM 19.90, 588 pages..penulis dye Siti Rosmizah..(^_^) have a good reading!!


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